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$5 OFF on all orders over $80! Apply Code: LAT5 at checkout
How To Buy In Mercado Libre From New Zealand?

How To Buy In Mercado Libre From New Zealand?

With Latinafy, you can shop all products in Mercado Libre Argentina and have them shipped to you in New Zealand. Get all products from Latin America, Mercado Libre Argentina and Mercado Libre Uruguay. Easily pay with credit and debit cards.

Some popular categories that people request are:

  • Football jerseys.
  • Mate gourds, bombillas and mate kits.
  • Collectibles.
  • Playing cards & board games.
  • Books.

If you are in New Zealand and wish to purchase any product in Mercado Libre Argentina, copy your desired product listing using our purchase service. We'll send you all required details such as transit time and restrictions.


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