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מדיניות החזרה

Latinafy.com it offers its customers the possibility of returning certain products to any of our warehouses in Argentina, Uruguay or the United States.

The products do not have the possibility of return are:

  • Products that have a delivery time of more than 20 working days.
  • Products that by their nature, do not accept returns in Latin America and therefore Latinafy.com or you can offer the return to the customer. Examples: Havanna alfajores with a short expiration date because they do not have preservatives.
  • Products sold under the “used” condition.

How to request the return of a product?
To request the return of a complete product write to us at hola@latinafy.com indicating your order number and reason for return and we will contact you within 24 working hours.

Please note that returns will not be accepted due to errors on the part of the customer. For example, confusion of sizes or colors when making the purchase of the product.
Latinafy.com it will only take care of those returns for cases in which a product has arrived damaged or incomplete from the factory. For inconveniences caused during the transportation of the package, please contact us.

In order for it to be confirmed that the product was received, and in this way we can make the refund to the customer, it is necessary that the product arrives in the conditions in which it was sent and with the label sent by our Returns Department.